Turtle Power! It's kind of amazing to think that of all the parties we've had, this is the first ninja turtle party. It feels like those four little reptiles are part of our family at this point. Happy to finally celebrate with them.
Will, Daniele, Claire and Baby Jack all showed up wearing homemade ninja turtle masks (from Pinterest of course)!
Nyle (Mikey), Nolan (Raph), Nash (Leo), Jack (Mikey) |
May all your birthday wishes come true |
Nolan Jace,
It's hard to believe you are 5 and will be starting Kindergarten this fall. You're my little home body. You are very content playing by yourself and you have a great imagination. You could play the wii or the computer 24 hours a day if we let you, and you are very good at it. You love chocolate chip mini muffins and eating at Buffalo Wild Wings. Your favorite shows right now are Ninja Turtles and Star Wars Rebels. You have BIG emotions. You melt me into a puddle when you tell me I'm the best mom in the whole universe and that I'm in your heart forever and ever. You would be pretty happy if you never had to go to preschool or daycare again and your little brother is not at the top of your list of favorites either. I love listening to your mealtime prayers and when you get the hiccups singing funny songs at bedtime. We love you with our whole hearts Noley Bear. We are so blessed that God gave us YOU!