Friday, October 30, 2009

35 week checkup

Today we went in for our 35 week (and 2 day) checkup. Jason wasn't able to make it but Nash came along to entertain the waiting room. The doctor said my tummy was measuring small (which I found hard to believe) so she ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything was OK. Nash thought it was so cool to see the baby on the TV and liked playing with the gel on my tummy. The ultrasound tech gave us some new baby photos and Nash got to keep one too. Like a proud big brother he showed it to some people in the waiting room. The doctor took a look at the pictures and measurements and told us everything looked fine, we just have a small baby. (So why have I gained 30 pounds???) The baby measures in the 45th percentile. We go back for another checkup in 2 weeks!

This is a video I took of the baby wiggling around in my belly.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Shake and Bake

Friday was cold and rainy so Nash and I decided we would bake some Halloween cupcakes.

Almost done!

Notice a few are missing...we can't figure out where they went!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October Belly Update

These pictures were taken at 33.5 weeks. According to, the baby weighs around 4 pounds and is around 17 inches long.

The Pumpkin Patch

On Sunday, Oct 18th, we piled into two vehicles and headed over to Shady Knoll Pumpkin Patch for our traditional pumpkin search.

Then we headed back to our house to start carving out our masterpieces.

The final works of art. From left to right: Daniele's witch, Lil Dub #2's mini pumpkin, Megan's witch feet, Rick's scary mummy, Whit's monster, Nash's Mickey Mouse, Jason's Trick or Treat skull and Will's Mummy Pumpkin. After we cleaned up we stuffed ourselves eating loaded baked potatoes, country style ribs, squash, and pumpkin dessert! YUM!

Disney Live! Rockin' Road Show

Nana, Nash and I went to the Disney Live! Rockin Road Show at the iWireless Center on Friday. I wasn't sure if Nash would be entertained for the entire show but he did great!

He gets a smile on his face every time he sees "Micka" Mouse!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I think Nash is feeling a little better. Or maybe he is just excited that we are going to see Disney Live! Rockin Road Show! He can't wait to see Mickey Mouse!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another stinkin' virus!

Nash has been battling a cough and runny nose since last Thursday. He just hasn't felt like himself. I spoke with the doctor last week and he didn't seem too concerned. I called again today and they said to push fluids and let it take it's course. Yesterday he seemed to be doing better and it was the first sunny day we had seen for a while. The poor kid (and mommy too) needed to get out of the house. I took him to the mall so I could return a sweater and he had a great time running around... until he threw up all over himself (and me). He was on a little merry go round and wasn't acting sick at all. He threw up then wanted to stay on the merry go round and play some more. Luckily I had just purchased two new outfits for him so we cleaned up the area the best we could and ran to the bathroom to change him. Nash and Nana skipped music class today. We are hoping he feels better by Friday because we have tickets to see Mickey Mouse at Disney Live! Rockin' Road Show!!! YEAH!!!
We are 33 weeks pregnant now and according to Baby Center, the baby should weigh about 4 pounds and is about 17 inches long. Seems crazy! I can definitely tell the baby is starting to feel a little cramped for space! I need to take our Oct belly pictures soon...