Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Smiles from Nolan and Nash
Awesome...I finally got some video to post! I will post a few more when I get a chance.
I took Nash to the doctor yesterday. He has a cold and had been pulling on his right ear a little bit and sticking his fingers in his ears. I was afraid he had an ear infection. Jason and I are leaving Sunday for a cruise and Nana said she would feel better if I got Nash checked out before we left. Turns out his lungs sound great and his ears look great. The doctor told us his molars are just starting to come in and that is causing his a little bit of ear discomfort. That's a relief! While I was there I asked the doctor about Nolan's weight. 15 pounds at 7.5 weeks?! At quick glance he told us Nolan is just above the 97th percentile for weight. WOW! He didn't seem too concerned and said his weight should start to taper off soon. We go back in on Feb 11th for his next checkup so we'll see where he is at then.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Weight Watchers
A little update on what's been going on the past few days. In my last post I mentioned that Nolan slept 7 hours on Friday night. On Saturday and Sunday we were back to every 4 hours. But hello Monday night! I fed him just a little before 10pm and he woke up around 5am. I put his paci in his mouth and he slept for another 20 minutes or so. I fed him around 5:30am. WOW Nolan...that is awesome! Again, I felt like my chest was about the explode when I woke up. :0) Maybe this means that if he eats less often, his weight will start to level off. I'm talking about the fact that my 7.5 week old weighs somewhere around 15 pounds! I knew he was a solid guy with lots of rolls but I was thinking maybe around 12 pounds. I took him into my office yesterday and we put him on one of the scales at work. 15 pounds! Then we put Nash on the scale and he weighs 27 pounds. Nash will be 2 years old next month.
Nolan is very smiley now and likes it when we stick our tongues out at him. Nash is very chatty and is able to climb up onto the kitchen chairs by himself now. The other day I caught him emptying the salt shaker out onto the table and playing in it. He wasn't too sure about the taste of it though.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Yeah Nolan!
I fed Nolan last night at 8:15pm. We went to bed and he didn't wake me up to eat again until 3:15am! Thats 7 hours! (Actually I woke myself up at 3am because my chest hurt and I laid there until he woke up. I was trying to talk myself into going downstairs to pump but he must have been on my wavelength.) I fed him at 3:15 and he didn't eat again until 8:45am. I hope this is a trend for nighttime feedings but I'm trying not to get my hopes up! It took Nash 6 months before he was sleeping through the night. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Technical Difficulties!!!
I am so frustrated! I have been trying for the last two weeks to post video but I keep getting errors. I have tried everything! Can someone help? I have great videos of Nash and Nolan that I would like to post. :0(
Roley Poley Noley :0)
Our little man is getting so BIG! Nolan is 6 weeks old and eating 7 oz at a time. I don't remember Nash spitting up quite as much as Nolan does. Yesterday he spit up on Nana, Aunt Nini AND Mommy! Not all at once though. :0) We have burp rags everywhere! He usually eats every 3 to 4 hours. Last night he went 5.5 hours between feedings then resorted back to every 3 hours after that. In the last week he has really started smiling when he recognizes us. It's so sweet!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Today we had some company. Two of my coworkers, Patty and Karen, stopped by to see us. They held Nolan for a while then Nash pulled them down to the floor to play with his blocks and animals. He was telling them what sound each animal makes. I asked him what a cow gives us and he said "presents." I hadn't heard that one before. Usually he says "milk." Then I asked him what a chicken gives us and he said "nuggets." Smart kid. :0)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Time flies
Nolan turned 5 weeks old yesterday which means I have 7 weeks of maternity leave left. That may sound like a long time to some people but to me, it's going too fast! I am trying to enjoy each day that I have with the boys. And we get to spend a lot of time together since the weather is SO cold. We don't get out much. With all of this quality time, I have a lot of time to get great pictures and video. Here are a few of my favorite pics...

P.S. I fed Nolan at 8:45 pm last night and he didn't get up to eat again until 2am! That's his longest stretch during the night so far!
Big shoes to fill...

Friday, January 8, 2010
Double take
I sat down and started comparing pictures of Nash and Nolan this morning. Check it out!
Nash is on the left and Nolan on the right.
Nash is in the top picture and Nolan in the bottom picture. Nash was 6 pounds 13 oz and Nolan was 8 pounds 1 oz at birth.
Nash is in the top picture and was 18 days old when this was taken. Nolan is in the bottom picture and was only 1 day old.

This cracks me up. Nash is on the left and Nolan is on the right.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Our New "Normal"
Life has definitely changed since the additional of Nolan to our family. We are trying to figure out our new "normal." That might take some time!
Nolan was eating every 2.5 to 3 hours however the past two nights he has stretched that to about every 4 hours which is REALLY nice! I hope I didn't jinx myself! There seems to be a lot more laundry now even though we have only added a miniature wardrobe to the normal load. Wait, maybe it's just piling up higher before I get to it...I bet thats it! :0) Nolan continues to grow at a rapid pace. He only lasted about a week in newborn diapers. I have him in size 1-2 now and even those seem to be getting small. He is wearing 3 month clothes already too.
Nash likes to know where his brother is at all times. He will say "Where Nolan?" or "Nolan, where are you?" if he can't find him. He also seems to be creeping into the terrible twos. If he doesn't get his way he has started to throw the ones I've seen other kids throw and said to myself "my child will NEVER act like that." Yep, those kind. He throws himself to the floor and cries. They end rather quickly however if we choose to ignore them. Between the rare tantrums however he is a very happy boy. He loves to play with trucks and his little toy animals. I think he is starting to work his imagination a little bit and he is able to entertain himself for a while. Madagascar and Shrek are the most requested movies right now.
Yesterday Nash and Aunt Nini were at the table coloring. She started to write his name and said "N." Nash was able to finish his name saying "A-S-H." I couldn't believe it. Of course I couldn't get him to do it for the camera even though I attempted many times.
Nash is taking one nap during the day. The timing depends on what time he wakes up in the morning. Sometimes it ends up being in the morning and other days it's right after lunch. But one thing is certain...he still needs one good nap during the day! Today we have been busy trying to get the house in order and making some snacks here and there. Tonight we are having some friends over to watch the Iowa Hawkeye football team play in the FedEx Orange Bowl. GO HAWKS!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
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