Day 1 of potty training ended pretty well. Nash started to get the hang of it in the afternoon. I think he had about 8 accidents total. Not bad. He had one accident during the night. If I remember right, Day 2 was an improvement with only 4 accidents. Day 3 started out VERY well. By 6pm he had not had a single accident and he stayed dry during his nap. However, between 6 and 8:30 he had FOUR accidents. As part of this training I have to say to Nash "Tell Mommy when you have to go potty," about 100 times a day. The frustrating thing was that he had these accidents very shortly after I had reminded him to tell me. When he does make it to the bathroom he likes to take the plastic bowl out of his potty chair and dump the pee in the toilet. Then he flushes the toilet and says "Bye bye pee pee." On the morning of Day 3, when he said "pee pee" his pacifier flew out of his mouth and flushed down the toilet. It happened so fast! He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and said "where paci?" At first I told him we had other ones but then it occurred to me that this would be a great time to break free of the paci. Believe it or not, it has been a rather smooth transition. I was surprised. He still asks for it when he goes to bed but I remind him that it went down the toilet and he is able to get to sleep without it. He still has his beloved yellow blanket, which is fine. This morning Nash woke up around 4am because he wet the bed. I got him cleaned up and he slept the remainder of the morning in my bed (Jason is out of town and missing out on all of the potty training fun!) He woke up around 7:45 and went in the big boy potty. He had a few accidents this morning but made it through his nap just fine. I had to wake him up during his nap because he had his 2 year checkup today. I was nervous about taking him out of the house without diapers but that is all part of the training. I tried twice to put him on the public toilets and he did not like it AT ALL. In fact, he didn't go the whole time we were out which was about 3 hours. He held it until we got home. This has been a learning process for everyone involved. I'm learning to pay attention to Nash's signs and if he is hiding, he's probably pooping. Needless to say, we have made great strides but potty training is still a work in progress.
Nash got a shot today in his right thigh but took it like a champ. Just a few tears and then he was fine. He weighs 27.5 pounds which is at the 40th percentile and he is 33.5 inches tall putting him at the 25th percentile. Doctor told us we can switch from whole milk to skim milk now. Nash's feet turn in slightly from sitting in the "w" position. This afternoon we worked on sitting Indian Style instead.
Nash's favorite movie right now is "Toy Story 2" which he calls "Buzz and Woody." He would watch it all day long if I let him.