Grandpa Steve arrived from California on Saturday afternoon and will be here until Thursday. Grandma Alonna planned to come along too but she wasn't feeling well. She also had to stay back to take care of one of the horses because it's leg was infected. We wish she were here! The boys have really enjoyed having Grandpa here. He's like a big kid! He's been close to getting a time out several times but so far he's been lucky. :0) He keeps telling me that he's Grandpa so the rules don't apply. We've had a great time so far. I'm sure I will have more pictures to post and probably a few good stories before the week is over.
Yesterday was Jason's 33rd birthday. He got up early and went to a very busy day of work. His dad is in town visiting so Steve borrowed my mom's car and visited Jason at the store for lunch. When they got home we went to It's On The River for dinner then to Big Dave and Holly's for ice cream. While we were there they changed the sign to wish Jason a Happy Birthday.
Nolan is now 3.5 months old and getting more and more fun by the day. He is a very happy baby. He giggles during patty cake and likes sitting in his play gym (see video). He has such strong abs as he tries to sit up even when he is laying flat on the floor. He doesn't seem to be interested in rolling over at this point but I'm sure it won't be long before he wants to be on the move. We are trying to give him more tummy time. He is doing better at pushing his chest up off the floor but gets frustrated quickly. He is not spitting up as much as he was but still spits up more than Nash ever did. Bibs and burp rags must always be within reach during feeding time...and for the following hour or so. His diet still consists of breast milk exclusively. I nursed Nash for 7 months so that's my goal with Nolan as well. He was eating about 7 oz consistently for a while but lately has not been eating quite as much. He usually only gets up to eat once during the night sometime between 1:30 and 3:30am and he is sleeping less during the day. In the morning especially he likes to hear himself coo. I love to hear him "talk." He is always the perfect temperature for cuddling up to! We love both chins and every roll of him!
Today we changed Nash's crib into a toddler bed. At first he tried to get in by putting his head through the slats. Obviously that didn't work so I showed him how to get in and out of the bed the right way. We'll see if he actually stays in it when he is supposed to! Potty training update...Doing great with only an occasional relapse (usually after I have bragged about how well he is doing.) My guess is that we are about 95 percent successful these days. I'll take it!
We've been pushing the limit by giving Nolan a bath in the sink the last few times. He really has outgrown it. So yesterday I decided to get out the bath seat and give it a try. Nash thought it would be really cool to take a bath with his little brother. The seat worked OK but Nolan doesn't quite have the trunk control yet. The important thing is that I ended up with TWO clean boys!
Last weekend we drove to Des Moines to the Adventureland Inn for Titan Family Weekend. We had a great time. Nana volunteered to come along so she could watch the boys Saturday night during the awards ceremony and dinner. Saturday morning we swam for a few hours. Nash had a blast...then took a 3 hour nap! I had to get Nolan in the water too or he was going to overheat in that humid pool area. Jason received a couple of awards at the ceremony... Great job Babe! It was a great little getaway weekend and we are thankful Nana was able to come along! Potty training continues... Nash is doing great. He is so good about telling us when he needs to go now. Still having a few accidents here and there but usually if we are outside or during the night. Such a big boy!
Today we had a huge success. Nash told me he had to go to the bathroom and went poo poo in his big boy potty for the first time. He's kind of a big deal! We are probably at about 75 percent for successful potty breaks as opposed to accidents. That's just a guess. Not bad for week one! I went back to work on Monday. I thought I would be ready after 12 weeks of maternity leave but I really wasn't. It went fine and I'm sure I will be back into the swing of things before too long.
Sunday we had a birthday party for Nash. Lynn and Al Hodgeman drove over from New Sharon to help us celebrate. Nana and Papa were here along with Will, Daniele, Whitney, Evan and Great Grandma Phyliss. Whitney and I decorated while Nash was napping. We all hung out during the afternoon and then ate tacos for supper. I made a Madagascar birthday cake for Nash and a gluten free cake for Whitney. Oh, and we also had ice cream, of course. Grandma Jo skyped in to sing Happy Birthday with us. Nash had a great time being the center of attention.