After packing up the campsite early this morning, we all went home and got ready for the late service at church. Our church doesn't do the traditional baptism that Jason and I both received as babies. Our church practices baptism by immersion when a person is old enough to make a decision to receive Christ. Jason did this in California when he was about 10 years old. My mom and I were baptized out at our church property in 2007. Since we don't have baptismal ceremonies for young kids in our church, parents dedicate their children. This consists of the church praying for the families and asking God to guide the parents in raising their children. We also pray that these children choose to follow God when they are able to make that decision.
Pastor Tony leading a prayer for our family |
Jason and I chose to do this with Nash and Nolan this morning, and the whole camping crew drug their tired bodies to church to witness it. Thanks again Gang, that really means a lot to us! The boys received their first children's bible story books.
Nolan and me |
Me, Nolan, Nash, and Jason |
The sermon today was called "Getting God: The Prayer Connection." One of the verses caught my eye because it was directly related to my post about my Women of Faith weekend.
Timothy 2:13 (TLB)-Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us.