This has been a big month for the Little Mister already! He rolled back to front 3 times this week so far. (Make that four times. He's working hard on his tricks while I'm blogging). When he gets to his tummy, he holds his head up really well and looks all around. Last night he had rice cereal for the first time. I think he liked the taste because he kept opening his mouth each time the spoon came near. I think maybe it was the new texture that caused the silly faces!

He is spending more happy time in his jumpy gym and is becoming more content on the floor now that he is a little more mobile. He definitely doesn't sleep as much during the day as his brothers did. He naps about 20 to 30 minutes at a time and then is back up again. That doesn't leave Momma much time to get anything done. I guess I'll have to learn to work a little faster. I noticed this week too that he likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. If it happens to be on, he will stare at it and get a big, goofy grin on his face. (Scratch that, it's now five times rolling back to front. He hasn't quite figured out how to get back over though). He loves to hold hands. Sometimes holding his hands is the only thing that will calm him down or put him to sleep. It's pretty sweet.
We went in for Nyle's 4 month well baby visit on December 4th. Two more vaccinations. :(
He weighed 18 pounds 14 oz (96th percentile). He is 25 3/4' long (73rd percentile). And his head circumference is 43.6 cm (94th percentile). He's trying to catch up to his brothers I think. Today I put away an entire large bin of clothes that he has already outgrown. He's keeping me on my toes.