Friday, June 29, 2012

Hanging Out

This is how we've been spending some of our free time lately...
hanging out in the driveway
Papa and Daizy

Jason relaxing

Grama Jo, Nash and Nana goofing around
 the boys have been spending more time on their bikes

 playing baseball
finding excuses to play in the water

Nash took this very seriously and wanted to make the van spotless

Great job guys!


Jason's mom Julie surprised us last Friday.  First she showed up at Jason's office to surprise him, then she arrived at our house later to surprise the rest of us.  My family was in on it and they had been planning it for a while.  Little did I know, she chose this weekend because of the surprise graduation party the whole family had planned for me on Sunday.  I was truly shocked when I pulled up at the park and saw so many of my friends, co-workers and family around.  It was not even on my radar.  In fact, when I realized something was going on, it took me a bit to figure out why we were celebrating.  Thinking back, there were a few signs and slip-ups but I get too distracted these days to question anything.  I totally fell right into it.  The truth is, I could not have done this DPT thing without the love and support of so many of the people who helped me celebrate!  I am so blessed to have great people in my life.
Nolan at the fountain park

Nolan, Jason, Grama Jo, Nash

Nolan, Jason, Me, Julie, and Nash at my favorite park

Jason and Julie

Whit, Will, Mom, Dad and Me (crazy that we all ended up in white)

Will, Daniele, and Claire
I had so much fun!  A huge thank you to my family for their hard work and planning!

Heat Wave

We have been trying to stay cool these days as the temperatures heat up.  Saturday the boys spent some time in the sprinkler at Nana and Papa's house.

Nolan and Nash

Cheese Nolan!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Not To Wear

Yesterday was the hottest day of the season so far.  Nolan went to get his sandals out of the closet but was distracted by "My boots! My boots!"  There was no talking him out of it.  Once Nash saw how cool Nolan looked, he had to get his out too.  These boys make me laugh!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

We started Father's Day out by making Daddy breakfast in bed.  Jason ate one grape and the boys ate the rest.  OK, I had a piece of toast.
Nash with Dad's breakfast.

Daddy reading his card

After church we raced home to get ready for Nash's last tee ball game.  He hit twice off of the coach pitch!

Nolan being goofy
After the game we hit up Happy Joe's for some ice cream then bolted for the river.  We met up with Nana, Papa, Nini and Eggroll for a little fun in the sun.
Oops!  Sorry Nolan, Mommy forgot to pack your trunks


Daddy and the boys
(Mommy:  When you look at this picture years from now, don't have a panic attack.  Remember: we were at the sand pit, not in the middle of the rushing river water.  Take a deep breath.)
The rest of the evening we enjoyed some time hanging out in the yard.

Showing his competitive side
Nash likes to play "Coach Wentland."  He stops the game sometimes while Nolan and I are playing and says, "Nolan, it looks like you have a problem."

Happy Father's Day to all of the awesome Dads in our lives!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Aye Aye Captain!

Last weekend Nana and Papa invited us out for our first pontoon ride of the season.  Unfortunately it was a short ride due to rain but we were able to have a little fun anyway.
Eggroll and Nash

Nini and Nolan

Nolan and Captain Papa

Nana, Don't Go!!

Before Nash was born, Nana was deciding whether or not she would watch him a few days a week once I went back to work.  Her only concern was that at some point, he wouldn't be excited to see her anymore.  No worries Nana.  Definitely not the case.  Both boys still get super excited every time she walks in the door.  And as you can see, they don't want to let her go either!

Summer Fun

Nolan borrowed a purple floaty from our neighbor girl.

Nash loves the water

Nolan showing his fearless side.
A few weeks ago our neighbors invited us out to the country club to swim.  We had a blast soaking up the sun.  Both boys jumped off the diving board for the first time.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

These are too funny not to post.  As you can see, Nash is still very easily distracted during his tee ball games.  Nolan sits on the sidelines asking multiple times if the game is over so he can go run the bases.
I agree Nash, someone should do something about those weeds!

Coach Jason and Nash

Making sure he's not missing anything

Game turn!

Put me in coach!

Baby #3 - 32 weeks

32 down...8 to go!  Hiccup is extremely active, especially at bedtime.  As I am typing he is doing flip after flip  inside my tummy.  I love it.  Like I said before, feeling him move is definitely my favorite part of being pregnant.  All of the other stuff isn't quite as fun, but it will all be worth it when we get to finally meet him.  We are so excited to add another boy to the bunch.
 Today I got together with four friends for a baby "sprinkle."  It's a like a shower only smaller.  :0)  Between the 5 of us, we have 9 kids and two on the way.  We met up for brunch and enjoyed 2 hours and 15 minutes of girl time.  It was awesome!  I love hanging out with these ladies!