Our sweet little daredevil turned 15 months old yesterday. He's changed so much in the last three months. He has 12 teeth now which explains why he has been a little less than chipper the last few months. I was starting to think he might need an IV drip of tylenol there for a while. Poor guy. A runny nose and cranky temperament is no fun. The last week or so I have noticed his giggly, goofy personality coming back so I think the teething bit is taking a break.

Nyle, you love going up and down the stairs. We still have the gates up and you need supervision because you are still learning that you need to stay on your tum tum when coming down. Occasionally you will try to stand up and take a step into mid-air. Which brings up my next point. You have earned yourself a couple of nicknames. "Crash" for obvious reasons. And "Goo Goo." This is pretty much all Nash calls you now. You have a vocabulary of about 4 words at the moment: "mama," "dada," "gung gung," and "goo goo." I can tell you are comprehending much more than that but no need to use extra words when you get what you want using the core four. You are so active and walking all over the place. You know what sound the elephant, monkey, and dog make. You wiggle your nose like a bunny. You usually take a really good morning nap and a short afternoon nap. You are still in size 5 diapers and wearing 2T clothes.

Things you like: being outside, "brushing" your teeth, cheese, climbing up onto the couch, chasing your brothers, bananas, taking all the books off of the book shelf several times a day, your pacifier
Things you dislike: having your nose wiped, green peas, when someone closes the gate right before you are about to sneak up the stairs, teething
I've noticed an interesting phenomenon. You can already make the machine gun noise. I'm convinced boys are born knowing how to do that. I still haven't really mastered it, not that I really need to. You point a block or some other toy in front of you and it just naturally rolls from your mouth. You can mark that skill off your check list!
Nyle Steven, you are such a blessing. We are so thankful God chose us to be your family. We love you Goo Goo!