When I had Nyle at the doctor the other day because of his fever, he weighed 23 pounds and was 28.5 inches long. It's really hard to believe it was 8 months ago already that he was born. He has two teeth showing now on the bottom.
He was never a very good napper however recently he has figured it out which is such a blessing! I'm not sure why he fought it for so long. He has started taking a good nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. For so long he would only nap for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Now he naps around 1 to 2 hours but a few times he hit the 3 hour mark! He sleeps like a real baby now! He is a happy baby with very ticklish ribs and thighs. His giggle is adorable.

He is starting to imitate sounds. He still prefers veggies over fruits but is getting better about eating fruits too. He loves bath time. The other day though he was so relaxed that he pooped in the tub. Unfortunately Nolan happened to be in with him so I had to evacuate the tub quickly, drain, sanitize and refill. Gross then, but kind of funny now. He loves to watch his brothers play and I can tell he is just itching to join them. He doesn't appear very close to crawling yet which is fine. I put him on all fours and he sort of face plants into the carpet. Gotta work on the upper body strength a little more yet. You are such a blessing Nyle!