Seems unreal that our baby boy will be one year old in just two short months. It seems like time goes by faster and faster with each child. This was another big month for Nyle. He now has 4 teeth on the bottom and it seems like two are working their way in on the top.
He is very active during diaper changes and bottles so it gets interesting sometimes. He sleeps through the night like a champ and takes two good naps during the day. He loves to watch his brothers and gets a big smile on his face when he sees them. He is getting up on all fours now and occasionally takes a lurch forward but still prefers the roll and spin method of getting around, and he is quite quick and efficient at it too. He rolls from room to room and likes to pull the registers off of the floor and stick his arm down into the hole.

And he recently discovered that there is not a child latch on the drawer where we keep the baggies and foil. Gotta keep a pretty close eye on this guy! He can make the elephant sound and raises his arm up like a trunk, growls like a tiger and barks like a dog. Nana is starting to work with him on some new animals too. He says, "Uh Oh" and waves "bye bye". He loves the puffy snacks and just started eating the crunchy corn curl type snacks too. He's wearing 18 month clothes and size 5 diapers because the 4's weren't doing the trick at night.
Nyle Steven,
You make us smile every day. It is so fun watching you learn new things and make new faces. You are such a big boy and I thank you for giving me a strong and defined right bicep muscle. I know in the blink of an eye you will be off and running with your brothers. So for now, I will enjoy this time while I can. You are a blessing!