Nash celebrated his birthday in true LEGO style this year. He took his brother and a couple of friends to the LEGO movie the week before his birthday. It got rave reviews from each of them. We had a family party the day before his birthday and he chose a Lego Chima theme. I made a gluten free Chima cookie which turned out to be absolutely delicious if I do say so myself. He chose tacos for dinner and had a couple of neighbor buddies join us for dessert.
Yes! The Gorilla Striker! |
Nana reading to the littles |
Claire and Nyle riding in Style |
He finally got his bow! |
YUM! |
Nash and his buddies waiting for some cookie |
Happy birthday Dear Nash, Happy birthday to you! |
This has been such a fun year for you. You started kindergarten and you are doing so well. Daddy and I are so proud of you. You love legos, movies, the Wii, reading, PE, playing transformers, and Heartshot Ministry. You are excited about spring soccer and summer tee ball coming up. You are very social and love spending time with your family and friends. You have a habit of chewing on the sleeves or neck of your shirts. (see cookie photo above) We have been trying to break you of this habit but so far, you win. I know it's just a phase. But for now, you have very few shirts without stretched out, holy sleeves. :0)
You are such a bright, sweet boy. You love learning now things. Your favorite book right now is "Dinosaur Record Breakers: Biggest, Fastest, Deadliest."
Daddy taught you a new prayer and you are saying it before meals now:
"Hey God,
Open my eyes, open my ears, open my heart, so I can do your will. Amen."
It's really hard to believe it's been six years since you surprised us with your early entry into this world. Daddy and I watched Juno in the theater on February 22. Not long after going to bed, my water broke and the next afternoon you were born. You changed our lives forever and we are so happy that God gave us you. Happy 6th birthday Nash Charles!