We are fighting colds...again! Last week Nash had a slight temperature and was not his normal happy self. I called the doctor's office and the nurse told me he probably had a virus that was going around. He now has a runny nose and cough to go along with it and he was kind enough to share his cold with Mommy too. So far Jason has avoided it.
Nash is sleeping a lot and not eating as well as he normally does. I hope we get over this quickly so we can play this weekend. The weatherman says we should get close to 80 degrees on Friday! YEAH! ACHOOOOOOO!
Carin and i were both sick for a few days ... i think she said she missed 2 days but i had to do 3 ... i was miserable ... THEN amos started coughing ... the nose is still practising for a marathon run but the cough is finally GONE