So here we are at 30 weeks along...hard to believe. Only 10 weeks or so until we are blessed with Baby W #2. There are so many unknowns at this point but thats all part of the excitement, right? Since I had a C-section with Nash due to his low heart rate, they are saying that I can choose whether to schedule a C-section or wait and go VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). At first I thought C-section all the way however now I'm leaning more toward letting nature take its course. The doctors said they will let me know when it gets a little closer if they are leaning more toward surgery, but at this point its up in the air. This baby is very active. According to Baby Center, Baby W#2 should be about 15.7 inches long and weighs approx 3 pounds. WOW!

We moved a few of the rooms around in our house so the baby will take over Nash's nursery and Nash is moving into our old "office." We purchased a new convertible crib for him along with two dressers and we are in the process of making the transition to his new "Bob the Builder" room. I have mixed emotions. I'm excited that he is getting a new room but it's even further down the hall now! :0) But he is now going to be safely across the hall from Aunt Nini's room so that will be fun for them! I will post pics when we get everything situated.