Nolan turned 4 months old on April 5th. He is such a smiley guy. HE IS SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT NOW!!! YEAH! He started doing this right around the time he turned 4 months old. Nash didn't sleep through the night until he was 6 months old so you can imagine how excited I am. He is still breast feeding and he spits up quite a bit. But as you can tell from the pictures, he's getting plenty to eat. :0) Today Nash and I took Nolan to his 4 month checkup with Dr. Anderson. He weighs 19 pounds 12 ounces which puts him in the 95th percentile for weight. His head circumference puts him in the 75th percentile. He is 25 inches long putting him in the 50th percentile for height. Dr. Anderson told us today that we can start cereal and if he does well with that we can start vegetables and fruit. I'll keep you posted on how he does with that. He is wearing 12 month clothes! He drools a lot so I'm thinking he is teething. I remember Nash drooled for a really long time before a tooth actually popped through. I'm hoping his teeth don't pop through too soon because nursing might have to end soon after that! He is still sleeping in the pack n play in our bedroom. He has slept a few nights in his crib but it seems like he sleeps better in the pack n play. He likes to watch his brother play and is able to hold on to rattles and toys to keep himself entertained. He holds his head and chest up during tummy time but still gets frustrated after a while. He has not rolled over yet but I'm guessing it won't be long. He likes to hear himself chatter which makes me laugh. Nash says to me sometimes, "Nolan a cute baby." I agree.
and i agree too!