Noley turned 8 months old on August 5th. As always, I have no idea where that time has gone. Let me catch you up on what Nolan has been up to recently. Just last week he started waiving "HI." I came home from work and Nana showed me his new trick. He still just has the one tooth but I just know there are several more anxious to make an appearance very soon. If we put him in the crawl position he gets frustrated pretty quickly. He still prefers to sit but will roll around if he really wants to get at something. Last week he also started saying "Mama." It's usually when I'm not getting his bottle ready fast enough. It's like a plea for help...SO CUTE, and melts my heart. He is still drinking 3 bottles of breastmilk a day but 8 oz doesn't really seem to satisfy him so I've been adding a little more when I can. Speaking of breast milk...our frozen supply is starting to dwindle. I think I have about 10 days worth left. As of last week Nolan is exclusively drinking from his bottle. I started pumping only once a day, then every other day, and the last two days I have not pumped at all. It has been a very smooth transition so far. I never did end up donating milk. Mostly because I kept getting colds and having to take over the counter medicine.

As you can see, Nolan has a few scratches on the bridge of his nose. No matter how short I cut his nails he manages to scratch himself during his naps. He is still taking two naps during the day, usually one around 9:30am and another after lunch around 1 or 2 pm. Whenever possible I try to coordinate his afternoon nap with Nash's nap. He is also getting more and more vocal. Tonight at dinner he was making noises the entire time, just enjoying the sound of his own voice. A couple of weeks ago he started another trick (with Nana, again). She says "Give Nana hugs," and he lays his head against her. When he picks up his head she says it again and he lays his head against her again. He does this over and over. He is such a good cuddler when he gets sleepy. He sleeps from about 8:30 pm to around 6:30 or 7 am usually. He likes chewing on things, splashing in water, eating, being tickled and watching his big brother. He does not like it when Mommy walks away from him or when Nash pushes him over. He has a very ticklish back. He has the best belly laugh that I could listen to all day long and his great big smile lights up our world! Happy 8 month birthday Nolan Jace!
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