My Aunt Cynthia and my mom wanted to go to the craft barns one morning. I took the boys out to my parents' house and Cynthia brought her grandson Brennan. The three boys and I hung out while the Nana's went shopping. We had so much fun.
(everyone keeps asking me if I take Nolan to the tanning bed, now I see why!)
(Nash and Brennan)
(Brennan and Nash looking for acorns)
Just this past weekend Jason and I got the chance to go to another Iowa Football game together. Of course Jason has gone to every home game this year but my parents agreed to watch the boys while we both enjoyed some time away. We took Nash and Nolan up to Nana and Papa's house on Friday evening. We had some chili and corn bread muffins before returning home. It's pretty strange to be at home without our boys! Saturday morning we were up VERY early because the Hawkeye bus left our house at 6am!
After making two stops along the way to pick up more tailgaters, we had a full bus of about 24 people. It was a little chilly to start out and sprinkled on and off a few times but for the most part, we were really lucky with the weather. Whitney, Evan, Will, Daniele, and my cousin Jenny were all in on the fun.
Unfortunately, the Hawks couldn't come up with the victory this time. We lost to the Wisconsin Badgers by ONE POINT! GRRRRRR! Better luck next weekend against Michigan State I hope. Jason is going to the game again but I will be watching from home with the boys.
We got home late from the Hawkeye game Saturday night so the boys spent the night at Nana and Papa's a second night. On Sunday we decided it was time to finally get some pumpkins and start's a tradition. Usually we go to a pumpkin patch just across the river but they did not have a good crop this year. Instead, Jason and I got up and went to Wal-Mart (after a quick detour to Starbucks). We got some groceries and 10 pumpkins. When we got home Jason spread them out around our front yard and we had our own little pumpkin patch.
(Fox Hollow Pumpkin Patch)
(Megan, Nolan, Jason, and Nash)
(Nolan, Nana, Papa, and Nash)
(Nolan, Great Grandma Phyliss, and Nash)
(pumpkin carving)
Nana came over after church. Great Grandma Phyliss and Papa brought the boys down after breakfast. Whit, Evan, Will and Daniele joined us too. We had some lunch and started carving. Nana was in charge of baking the seeds for us which turned out really good. Who wins the prize for the best pumpkin this year???
Will's pirate..Megan's ghosts..Daniele's sign..Whitney's spider..Papa's portrait of Nolan..N for Nash and Nolan..and Jason's I for Iowa..(Evan took his home before I could snap a picture of his traditional jack-o-lantern face)
Wow! You guys are serious about pumpkin carving! :o) They all look great!