Last week I went to get him after his nap and he was standing up in his crib. In the past week he has mastered this new trick. He now pulls himself up on the tub, the couch, the kitchen chairs and anything else he can find.
He is taking steps when holding onto someones fingers. He is drinking his formula from a sippy more bottle. We had to switch to the straw sippy cups because he wasn't getting the hang of tipping the other ones up yet. He can polish off 8 oz of formula in about 2 minutes I think.
He is eating more and more table foods, in fact, he prefers table foods. He ate an entire piece of pizza the other day, cut up in small pieces of course. He is experimenting more with sounds.
Nolan's vocabulary list:
1. Mama
2. Dada
3. Uh Oh
4. Moo (although he hasn't done this for a while now)
5. Arrrrrrr! (instead of ROAR)
His belly laugh is still one of the best sounds on earth. He loves splashing in the tub and squirming away naked before I can get his diaper ready to put back on him. His rolls are slowly disappearing as he gets taller. He loves to be around his brother and hates wearing hats. He's not really liking his car seat either. He is still in the travel system but obviously I can't carry him IN the car seat any more. We are trying to decide what to do about the car seats since he will be able to face forward in ONE MONTH!
He likes to be on the go but I managed to catch a picture of him cuddling with Grama Jo today before his nap. P.S. Grama Jo arrived from California on Wednesday so there will be lots more pictures soon.
Nolan, I can't believe you are almost one year old already. We love you to the moon and back! Happy 11 month birthday!
and Nolan, I live 9 X infinity!