Nolan had his 15 month checkup today, on his 16 month birthday. It ended up not being our average wellness checkup though. Last night around 7:30 pm Nana and I took Nolan in to the Convenient Care clinic because he was wheezing and having trouble breathing. When they examined him his O2 sats were only 94 percent and I swear that thing said his heart rate was 185 BPM. His tummy muscles were working overtime to help him breathe. They almost gave him a chest x-ray to see if he had pneumonia but decided to do a breathing treatment instead. They sent us home with a nebulizer and a prescription for albuterol and a steroid. Nolan was asleep in the car before I even got the prescription filled. I elevated the head of his bed and he actually slept pretty good last night. He just happened to have an appointment for his 15 month checkup today so that actually worked out nicely. Dr. Anderson wants us to continue the breathing treatments 3 times a day and the steroids twice a day for 5 days. He called Nolan's condition bronchiolitis. We are new at this breathing treatment business. I tell you what, giving breathing treatments to a one year old is not the easiest task in the world!
At todays appointment Nolan's heart rate was back down to 130 BPM but his O2 sats were still only 94 percent. He is still wheezing and breathing hard but he is doing better than he was last night. He is in the 75th percentile for height and weight. He is 32.25 inches tall and weighs 26.5 pounds.
Nolan has 10 teeth now. I think one of those molars must have snuck in while Jason and I were in Vegas. Walking is now his preferred mode of transportation. He does not have a good appetite right now but normally he loves mandarin oranges, goldfish crackers, yogurt covered raisins and peas. He loves to read books. He just recently started to get upset when Jason or I leave the room but in general is a pretty easy going guy. He is very social and waves "hello" and "goodbye" to anyone who will look at him. He is saying a few new words like "shoes," and something that resembles the word "dinosaur" but I would have no idea how to spell it like Nolan says it. He likes to play with whatever Nash is playing with. He does sign language for "more," "please," and "all done." He likes to do the motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." He is still taking two naps and loves his little blue blanket and pacifier. Dr. Anderson told us today we should think about getting rid of paci. He usually only gets it when he is sleeping but I gave it to him today because he wasn't feeling well. When Nolan gets really excited he squeals. Now that he is walking, he keeps us all on our toes. Don't turn your back on this little man! Get well soon Noley!
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