Nash is 3.5 years old. He is very social but having a hard time learning to share. He loves to giggle loudly and tells us every day that he loves us, usually multiple times. Thanks to Daddy he loves the movie "Transformers." Seriously, it's all he wants to watch. What happened to "Toy Story?" He plays with his "Cars" matchbox cars every day. We have duplicates of some and he loves to match them up. He can spell his name and writes his "N" and "H." The other day he told one of our babysitters, "When I'm 4 I'm gonna be a paleontologist." HA! I'm pretty sure that came from PBS. He sleeps in our bed, loves his little, yellow, blanky and takes one much needed nap in the afternoon. He likes chocolate milk and pop tarts. He has an occasional ornery streak but then again, he's 3.
Nolan is almost 21 months old. He is fearless and charges full speed ahead. He likes to do everything Nash does. He's becoming more independent and lately has started yelling, "NO!" if he doesn't like what he hears. Trying to put the kabosh on that ASAP. He takes 2 naps a day but it's looking like that will go down to 1 nap very shortly. He sleeps with his little, blue blanky and his paci. He LOVES to read books. He will bring me book after book until I collapse. He likes looking at an "I spy" book and pointing out all of the things he sees. Tonight he showed my "parrot" and "dice." Those were new ones for me. He is very friendly and waves HI and BYE to anyone who listens. He gets frustrated when he can't do something on his own. He likes to climb the stairs, shut the baby gate, and turn lights on and off. He likes football and calls most sports "football." He is a very happy guy most of the time. He likes to play with cars and trucks too.
Last week we got our baby stuff out again. No, I'm not prego. Our neighbors' grandbaby was flying in for a visit and we offered to lend them a few things. Here are some pics of the boys reverting back to infanthood.
One of my favorite things is to watch my boys play together. They have such a good time, while it lasts.
We love these two little guys to the moon and back.
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