Our little mister celebrated his half birthday on Friday, February 1st. Unbelievable! He is becoming more and more fun each day and brings such joy to our crazy household. He is giggles during patty cake and when he is bounced up and down. He will bounce forever in his bouncy gym as long as he can watch his brothers play and play.
He figured out how to roll front to back on January 23rd. He gets up once in the early morning hours for a bottle but will hopefully be kicking that habit sometime soon. This morning it was 5am instead of 3am. He is eating rice cereal every once in a while and really getting the hang of it. He goes to the doctor for his 6 month checkup on Tuesday so after that we will probably be starting some veggies. Unfortunately his brothers shared their colds with him and he is still getting over that. It makes sleeping through the night difficult because he has a hard time breathing so he has been spending time in the boppy and in his swing at night. Not ideal but we all need some sleep. He is starting to sit up for a few seconds before tipping over. I know there are some abdominal muscles in there somewhere! He is our roley poley little prince. We love you so much Nyle Steven!!
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