Woah Buddy! Not so fast! You can't possibly be 11 months because that means you will be one in a few weeks. So hard to believe. This was such a big month for you Nyle.
Had to get creative with the bath toys :0) |
You generally turn your nose up at baby food because you know there might be something better offered if you do...plums, cheese, crackers, puffy snacks, yogurt bites, cheese curls...YUM! You have 4 teeth on the bottom. For the longest time you had one goofy snaggletooth on the top but now a matching fang has appeared on the other side. More top teeth are pushing their way through. You are army crawling like a champ and occasionally up on all fours. We put the baby gate up at the bottom of the stairs and lowered your crib mattress because you are pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING!
You will walk all over the place if someone will lend you their fingers to hold on to...such a strong little man. You sleep great at night but seem to be an early riser. We have to keep a close eye on you around your brothers because they forget you are still a baby sometimes.
We love you to pieces Little Mister!
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