Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy 6 month birthday Nolan Jace!!!

Nolan Jace is 6 months old today.  He had a checkup on Friday and weighed 21 pounds 7 oz (97th percentile) and was 26 inches long (30th percentile).  He had three shots which always hurts me as much as it does him I think.  Ugh!  "Porkchop," as I affectionately call him, is doing great.  He is able to roll from front to back and back to front but is still choosing not to roll very often.  Sitting up seems to suit him much better!  The past week he has been more and more steady.  I set the boppy behind him because he eventually tips over but he sits up for several minutes sometimes.  He seems to love it because he can keep a better eye on Nash that way.

He is still VERY smiley and most people say he looks just like his daddy.  (Although lately a few people have said he looks like me!?)  Tonight Nolan laughed like I have never heard him laugh before.  It made me laugh which made him laugh even harder.  So far no teeth have popped through but the doctor said it doesn't look like it should be too long.  He has been a little fussy lately so I think his teeth are bothering him a bit.  Tylenol seems to do the trick.  He likes his baby cereal.  Peas, sweet potatoes and squash seem to be his favorite veggies...I can tell because he doesn't blow bubbles into them.  He swallows them right down.  The other day he said "dadadadada."  As a rule he is a fairly quiet guy but lately has been a little more chatty.  He loves to splash in the tub.  Lately he has started to show signs of separation anxiety.  He does not like it when we walk away from him.  We are blessed with a very happy, healthy six month old.  We love you to the moon and back, Nolan Jace!


  1. He's so cute, Megan! and getting to be so blond! What a sweetie!!

  2. Such a cute picture of him sitting up. It is hard to believe that 6 months have already passed. Two healthy happy boys. Keep up the good work.
