We have had so many rainy days and severe storms around here lately. Today the weatherman predicted storms on and off all day. So when the sun came out, we decided to take advantage of it and head to the park really fast! After we got bored at the park, we took a walk down by the river.
Remember Nash's loader that he loved so dearly and wanted to ride ALL the time? Well, a couple of weeks ago it broke beyond repair. He has asked about his loader pretty much on a daily basis since then. We looked at some other ride on toys that he could push around be he is getting a little big for those. So, I found a battery operated ride on toy on Amazon.com and it arrived yesterday. After charging the battery for the required 18 hours, Nash took his Harley out for a spin today. He doesn't quite have the hang of it yet. He doesn't realize that he can turn the handlebars to steer it. He rides it in circles or until he crashes into something then he gets off and tells me it needs a new battery. I reassure him that the battery if fine but he insists it needs a new battery and won't get back on it for a while. Then he gets back on and starts all over again. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon!
Great pictures. Looks like a good time was had by both boys.