Nolan is one today! So hard to believe. He has changed SO much over the past 12 months.

His new favorite word is "WOW!" He climbed 18 steps the other day at the speed of light pretty much (under Jason's supervision.) I had no idea he could do that. But then again, I never really gave him the opportunity. He loves climbing the stairs but hasn't figured out how to get back down yet. Over the last few weeks we completely switched him over to whole milk. He liked the formula better. He still loves his food. We haven't been doing any baby foods for quite some time except for some occasional prunes. Lately he has been grabbing for the spoon and wanting to feed himself. It's so cute, but so messy. He usually hits his nose or his chin first but eventually he hits his target. He is pulling himself up on everything and is even pushing the kitchen chairs across the floor. He is not able to stand on his own but is starting to get brave and let go with his hands sometimes. Today he stood for about 6 seconds before plopping back down to the floor again. He throws tantrums sometimes if he gets hurt or if he doesn't get his way. Real tantrums. The kind where he starts hitting himself on the head or beating on the floor. It never lasts long though. He still only has 3 teeth! He naps twice a day with his blanket and pacifier. He has started playing this game with me at nap time and bedtime. I just started realizing it's a game. I put him to bed and pretty soon he's whining again. He never used to do that. I've learned that it means he has thrown his pacifier and blanket out of the crib. I let him whine for a while to see if he will go to sleep but eventually I'm back upstairs giving him back is comfort items. Then he goes to sleep. Whatever works.

He makes an elephant sound and raises his arm up like a trunk. He moos like a cow and barks like a dog (but they sound pretty similar). He opens and closes his mouth like a fish.
Nash is having a hard time understanding why Nolan gets to have a birthday and he doesn't, even though he knows when his birthday is..."Febawary twenty-third." :0)
Nash "helping" me decorate Nolan's monkey cake |
Nolan had a Curious George party. I know this isn't George but it passed Nolan's inspection. |
Jason and Papa Rick |
Everyone is making sure Nolan's gifts work properly |
Great Grandma Phyliss watches as Nana and Nolan play with a new gift. |
Family Picture: I think Nolan is in a sort of cake coma.
Dear Nolan, You are an amazing little boy. I could listen to your infectious laugh all day long. I got tears in my eyes when I put you in your crib tonight because I can't believe you are one year old already. You are doing things more independently each day. I love to watch you figure things out. You know what you want and you go after can be very strong willed (you get that from your daddy). When you smile and scrunch up your nose, my heart melts. I love you to the moon and back Nolan Jace! Love, Mom |
Happy Birthday to you
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear NOLAN
Happy Birthday to you!!!!