While the boys were taking their afternoon nap today, it started to snow. It ended up being our first big snow of the winter season. When Nash saw the snow he begged to get his snow pants and snow boots on so we could go out and play. I got Nash all bundled up and then moved on to Nolan. He doesn't like having mittens on so he started biting them to try to get them off. I had to move quickly to get myself ready because I knew the snow would distract Nolan from his mittens. He was so bundled up that he couldn't even sit up on his own, he kept tipping over backward! Today was the first time that Nolan has ever really played in the snow. He didn't enjoy playing in the snow as much as he enjoyed eating the snow, however.
Nolan amazed by the snow and no longer thinking about how annoying his mittens are. |
This was Nash's idea, not mine! We were going to give the shovel to him for Christmas but he really wanted to shovel some snow today. Who am I to argue? :0) |
We had been outside for about 10 minutes or so and I heard Nash say the dreaded words. Yep, I had made a rookie mistake! He had to pee. Why didn't I think of that before I spent 20 minutes getting us all ready?! It's funny now but at the time it wasn't. Eventually we were all back outside playing again. Nash would have played outside all night if I'd let him. I showed him how to make a snow angel and we ran around making tracks in the driveway. Nolan crawled around a little bit but most of the time scooped snow into his mouth.
Nash, our little snow angel |
Nolan enjoying a snow snack. I think the temperature caught him off guard. |
Jason and Will got the lights up last weekend. Now we just have to find some time to go cut down our Christmas tree |
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