So it's 9:45 pm and I'm exhausted. The boys spent the night with Nana and Papa last night and tonight. Jason and I rented "The Social Network." That's right. We got to watch a movie that wasn't animated. I was pumped about it all day so it's a good thing it was a good movie. Thank you Mom and Dad for giving us some free time. It's amazing how fast it goes by.
What else have we been up to? Well, Nolan is getting into everything. I swear he waits for the sound of the baby gate opening then darts toward the stairs to see if he can sneak through before the gate closes. Nash has even been in trouble a few times for quietly opening the gate so he can watch his brother scurry up the stairs. I found them both in the bathroom the other day. Nash was laughing as Nolan spun the toilet paper roll sending into a heap on the floor.
Official TP Inpector...YEP, it's good! |
Nash is starting to recognize some letters and numbers which is pretty exciting. I talked to him on the phone today and he literally chatted into my ear for two minutes in a very serious voice without letting me say a word. I was laughing so hard my cheeks hurt.
Captain Trouble and his sidekick (It could go either way) |
Nolan is finally starting to talk a little more. He wasn't saying much until Nana decided to have Nash coax him into saying some things. Now he's talking a little more. He was already saying WOW, UH OH, MAMA, and DADA. Now he is saying NANA and DUT (duck). If I ask him what a kitty says, he responds with MOW. When I ask him what a horsey says, he makes a horsey sound. He does the elephant sound too and raises his arm up like a trunk, just like Nash used to do. These are fun times. Nolan is also letting go of things and standing for several seconds at a time before he plops onto his butt or leans forward hoping someone will catch him. Nana said he tried to move his feet as he was sort of falling forward and took about 3 steps the other day, but not really under his own power. It probably won't be long now!
Our friend Elyn came over the other night to play. She is almost 6 months old now and such a cutie pie. It was fun to watch Nash with her. He was so nurturing which was funny to see because he's not really that way with his brother. :0)
Elyn and her body guards |
Sunday night we were looking for something to do. We finally decided to check out Monkey Joe's. It turned out to be a lot of fun. It's a huge room filled with bouncy house slides. Nash started out wanting us to go with him but by the time we left, we were having a hard time catching up with little Monkey Joe himself. Nolan did not quite know what to think about the surface moving underneath him and really preferred to be on steady ground.
Nash |
Nolan tasting Jason's hat |
Nolan |
Me and Noley |
Jason has been staying busy at work and is supposed to be starting a soccer league soon. Work has picked up again for me as well. And...I FINALLY started working on my doctorate paper. GASP! I've been putting it off for years, literally. I'm at the point where if I don't get serious, I'm going to run out of time and I just can't stand the thought of an Incomplete on my transcript. I have to have the entire paper done and defended by May 2012. I know that sounds like a long time but I'm going to need it. Please pray for me!
It has been cold and snowy around here lately. Good thing we stocked up on hot chocolate, ReddiWip, and sprinkles!!!
Bonding with my Nasher |
great pictures. It is so much fun to see what you guys are up to. The boys are too cute for words. It is a blessing to see tham so happy and healthy. Love to all in Iowa.