Friday, January 7, 2011

Post It Notes

*Nash never wears socks to bed.  Even if he is half asleep he remembers to pull his socks off.

*Nash has been watching "How to Train Your Dragon" every chance that he gets.  Then he runs around in his snow boots using the vacuum cleaner attachment as a sword.  I need to find him a plastic viking helmet and he'll be set.

*Nash likes to line all of his cars up along the fireplace.

*Nash sometimes puts his hands on my face and calls me "Sweetheart."

*Nolan learned to blow bubbles in the bathtub on Tuesday.

*Nolan purses his lips together and sticks them out when he's not happy about something. I'm waiting for him for him to say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"  (I think that dates me.)

*Nolan's sleeping scheduled is messed up right now.  He goes down fine for his morning nap.  He has not been wanting to take an afternoon nap the past few days and he stayed up later than usual last night.  Maybe it's because he's teething or maybe he's ready to switch to just ONE nap (I hope not).  Today I laid him down a little later for his morning nap and he went down fine for his afternoon nap (still sleeping).  Who knows!?

1 comment:

  1. while you are searching, maybe you could find Nash a dragon to ride, hmmm?
