Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bakersfield Birthday

On December 6th, we drove down the Grapevine to Bakersfield to visit Grama Jo.  When we arrived, Grama was busy working on a cake for the birthday boy.  It turned out so cute.

Grama and her helpers
Happy Birthday dear Nolan
Blowing out the candles
Nolan, Nana, Grama Jo, and Nash
Nash entertaining Amos with the Jack-in-the-box
 Grama has a lemon tree and an orange tree in her back yard.  That fruit was just begging to be picked.
The boys planning their attack
Got one!
Can I get a straw?
 When life hands you oranges and lemons...
Grama and Nash making orange juice

Nash taste testing the lemonade before adding sugar
 YUM!  Fresh squeezed juice right from the back yard.

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