On December 3rd we zipped to the airport for our California trip. We took Nana with us this time! As most of you know, I don't like to fly. I'm a Nervous Nelly. Luckily, I had Nana there to keep me distracted. The boys loved running around the airport and kept a good eye on our plane before we boarded.
Nolan and Nash |

The flight to Denver was pretty uneventful. However, after we landed, things got more exciting. We had to sit on the airplane for a while before getting to our gate because Denver had just got some snow. As we are crawling to our gate, Nash announces he has to go to the bathroom. After 5 to 10 minutes of trying to get his mind off of it, he looked like he really meant business. I flagged down the attendant who told me she would check with the pilot to see if the plane would be stopping soon. Apparently, if someone gets up, he has to stop the plane and put the brakes on. She took her sweet time and talked to several other passengers on the way up to ask the pilot...she obviously doesn't know that when a 3 year old says he has to go, time is precious! In case you were wondering, barf bags really are leak proof. Even when filled with piddle. The funniest part was when the other attendant came back to tell me we could go the next time the plane stopped, Nash was actually peeing in the bag right across the isle. "OK, thank you!"
Snowy Denver |
After we got off the plane we had to run to make our next flight. Jason carried some bags and a car seat. Nana carried some bags and Nash. I carried some bags and Nolan. My right bicep will never be the same after jogging with a thirty-two pounder on board. We made it, but didn't have time to grab any food. We finally boarded and I am not kidding about this next part. As soon as the door closed, the pilot announced we wouldn't be taking off for about one and a half to TWO hours! WHAT? We waited in line for de-icing along with a billion other planes before finally getting out of there.
De-icing |
I do have to say, the boys did SO good. They were entertained by coloring, watching the other planes de-ice and snacking on fishy crackers and chex mix. The next flight was great and all of our luggage showed up at baggage claim. We hadn't eaten all day. Let me tell you, I have never inhaled a turkey burger as quickly as I did that day. Overall, a very successful day of travel. Grandpa Steve picked us up and provided us with a very entertaining drive to his house. Grandma Alonna was waiting for us. We went to bed pretty early but the boys had a REALLY rough night. Which meant the rest of us had a really rough night too. The boys woke up early so I thought I would start a cartoon for them while I got some more sleep. When I looked at the clock on the DVD player, it read 2:00. It was a horrible sight. And they did not finally go back to sleep until about 5:00 am. Hopefully by night number 2 they are a bit more settled. Otherwise, I'm digging through Grandma Alonna's purse to find her tazer! KIDDING!
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