Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nolan Jace-10 months old

Nolan is 10 months old today although if you ask him, he holds up one finger.  At least he's prepared when December 5th rolls around.

He is crawling like a pro and pulls himself up onto his knees whenever he can get a hold of something.  We are trying to transition to a sippy cup but he still gets a little frustrated and eventually we resort back to the bottle.  He naps twice a day and loves to watch his brother.  He likes to watch Wheel of Fortune.  He's a "wheel watcher" like his mama.  Whenever we say "yay" he immediately claps his hands.
  He puts everything in his mouth.  Today this included a leaf, a stick, some dirt, and chalk.  Wow, it sounds like I wasn't keeping a good eye on him but honestly, he's a quick one!  For the record, none of that was swallowed!  :0)

He still does not like having his diaper changed and he LOVES to splash in the tub.  Right now Nana is working with him on pointing to different parts of his face and different animal sounds.  If we ask him where his nose is, he likes to point to our noses rather than his own.  I think the only animal noise he does semi consistently so far is doggy...even though it sounds more like "uh, uh" than "arf, arf."  I know this is barking though because he does it when he sees Daizy and Memphis.

He's been a little fussy again lately.  It looks like tooth number 3 is going to pop through any day.  He looks like a bruiser but is so sensitive.  If he falls over or gets bumped he cries and cries.  I could listen to his laugh all day long.  I never knew 10 months could fly by SO quickly.  We love you, Noley!

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