Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Here We Go Again!

We got the call yesterday that we need to be at the hospital at 8:30 am tomorrow for our c section at 10:30.  It's getting real!  I finished my last day of work last Thursday so I was able to get things wrapped up and my patients transferred over to other therapists.  I think it's a good thing I stopped working because this week is rather hot again and it's just a little more difficult to move around without my abdomen tightening up.  Plus, there is only so many times you can stop to go to the bathroom and still have a productive day.  It's been nice being home with the boys and trying to get everything in order before tomorrow.  It's a little strange to be honest.  Sometimes I'm sure I should be getting something in order but I don't really know what to do with myself.  The boys helped me "cricket" some vinyl letters so the baby's name is on the nursery wall.  I also put Nolan's name on his wall and we finished Nash's canvas for his wall.

I'm finishing getting caught up on laundry.  My bag is packed.  I made a "crazy Mom" word document yesterday including phone numbers, our general schedule, meal options etc. I know it's crazy type A but it makes me feel better.  There are several people helping us out with the boys while Jason and I are at the hospital so this way everyone has a way to contact each other in case we are unavailable.  I can't imagine not having supportive family here to help!
The boys are getting excited.  Nash keeps asking of today is the day the baby is coming so we have been counting down the last several days.  I've been trying to prep Nolan about what is going to be happening over the next few days but mostly he is excited that Nana, Papa, and Nini will be spending a lot of time with them.  It's obviously going to be a big adjustment for ALL of us but we are so excited Hiccup will be here tomorrow.  We have a lot of people praying for us and for our doctors so hopefully everything will go smoothly.  I would be lying if I said I was wasn't a little anxious thinking about having surgery and what the recovery will be like.  I'm trying to put everything in God's hands.  Why is that so hard sometimes?
P.S. I think I forgot to update about the "pregnancy tumor."  I went in for my follow-up and the lab test came back fine.  It was exactly what they thought it was and she reminded me again that it was the biggest one she'd ever seen.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Funny Faces

Belly video...Hiccup wants out!


Last weekend was full of nesting.  I got several things checked off the list of things to do before baby comes.  I had a couple of things on the list for Jason to do.  Of course, the big brothers wanted to help too!
Nolan helping put the swing together

Nash and Jason
Team work

From the Nana Cam

Nana let me borrow her photo memory card to get some of the great moments she has captured recently.  There are so many good ones...
My Dad, my Grandma, my Aunt Sandy, and my Aunt Dianne at Sandy and Win's anniversary party
Nana, Nash, Papa, Nolan, and Claire

Me, Claire, Nolan and Nash

My Aunt Pat, my Mom, and my Aunt Cynthia at our family reunion

My MIL Julie and me

Whit and me at my DPT grad party
Jason attempting to beat Will's time in the hot dog eating contest...he did it!

Nini and Nash

Papa and Nolan 
Me and my belly profile

Jason launching Nolan into the air

Nolan and Nash at the playground

Noley Jace

Nash Charles

Nash ready for the pirate parade 
Nini and Nolan
Nash proud of his puzzle

Nolan lining up his cars for a race

Sunday, July 15, 2012

False Alarm!

I had a checkup on Friday (one day before my 37 week mark) and the doctor told me I was 1cm dilated and 60 percent effaced.  Everything was good.  Friday night at about 10:30 I started to have stomach cramps.  I thought it was something I ate but then I started to notice the cramping was coming in regular intervals.  I called Jason and he was on his way home from helping Justin at the race track.  I told him I couldn't get comfortable and was getting concerned.  I downloaded a contraction timer on my phone...there's an app for that!  We never needed it before because my water broke before any contractions started with Nash and Nolan.  I think I was only able to get about a 10 minute nap and was too uncomfortable to sleep any more than that.  They finally got to between 3 and 5 minutes apart and were lasting 1 to 1.5 minutes on average.  About 3:30 am I couldn't take it any more.  I called the doctor and told him about my earlier appt.  He said, "Oh, you have a ways to go!"  Thanks doctor.  He recommended that I go in to the hospital because I was so uncomfortable.  I called my brother and he came to stay with the boys.  When the nurse checked me at the hospital I was still only 1cm.  She said it didn't seem like true labor because I wasn't advancing, but I have to tell you, it felt like it!  They hooked baby and I up to the monitors so they could keep an eye on things.  Hiccups heart rate was strong and steady the whole time we were there.  They tried giving me an injection to stop the contractions but it didn't help.  They decided to try giving my IV fluids thinking I was dehydrated.  That didn't help the contractions much either.  They could tell on the monitor that I was having them but they weren't exactly sure why.  I laid there in that extremely uncomfortable triage bed until 10am when they finally gave me some me some morphine (which was amazing) and I was able to get some rest.
The beautiful view from my very uncomfortable bed.
The doctor did not want to send me home having contractions because of my past c-section.  They checked me again and I was still at 1cm.  They let me rest for a while and then decided to get a urine sample.  They determined I was dehydrated and had a UTI which was causing my contractions.  They finally sent me home around 1pm.  Contractions were better but not completely gone.  I am now on an antibiotic for the next 10 days and drinking a ton of water.  My sister and parents took the boys for the afternoon yesterday and the boys stayed at my parents overnight so we could get some rest.  Apparently Jason didn't sleep well in the triage room chair or on the waiting room couch.  I am feeling better today other than a bit of a headache.  I'm really trying hard to rest.  So here I am...sitting on the couch blogging and waiting for my little energizer bunnies to come home.  Hopefully the next 2.5 weeks sail by smoothly until c-section time.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Rollin' on the River

Nana and Papa invited us out for another awesome ride on the river.  We stopped by the beach to play and grill some supper.  Awesome time!  The boys love the water.

Jason, Nash, Nolan, and me
Nolan and Papa

Nash and Papa

Nana and the boys looking for "sea" shells

Jason and boys

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baby #3 - 36 weeks

36 weeks today!  Only 3.5 weeks until our scheduled C-section.  It's hard to believe we are SO close to meeting our little guy.  I've been feeling pretty good but having to duck into the air conditioning and elevate my feet more because of the heat wave this past week.  Hiccup is VERY active, especially when I lay down at night.  I feel like I'm carrying a little bit differently this time around.  Hiccup seems to stick straight out in front.  I didn't realize just how much until I saw this picture that Jason took today.  Woah Momma!  Hiccup...Daddy, the boys and I are getting very excited to finally meet you.
Something new I dealt with this time around...I developed a pyogenic hemangioma, also called a "pregnancy tumor" over the last month.  It started out as a small bump on my chest and grew to the size of an almond.  I had it checked by a dermatologist thinking I had some type of skin cancer because it grew so quickly.  I was relieved to hear what it was and she was able to remove it during my visit.  She told me it was the biggest one she had ever seen.  Yay me!  Apparently these vascular lesions are common in pregnancy due to the increase in blood supply.  The doctor is having it sent to a lab for testing to make sure it isn't anything more, but she is very confident that all is well.

Feeling HOT HOT HOT!

It was another hot one today!  The boys enjoyed the slip and slide and kiddie pools at a neighbor's house to celebrate Manny's birthday.

Nash, our friend Noah, and Nolan


I think our heat wave is over for now.  A "cold front" came through this evening lowering the temps from 105 to 88 degrees.  This pregnant lady is quite thankful!

Happy 4th of July

Keeping with tradition, we spent the night at my parents' house on the 3rd so we could attend the annual party.  My brother, sister and I used to have a party on the 3rd every year (the party looks a little different now than it did then).  This year my sister added the first annual hot dog eating contest.  That was entertaining!

Will, Matt, Michelle, Katie, and Evan

The Winner!
The morning of the 4th, Nana and I took the boys in to a neighboring town for a big parade.  It was SO hot!
Nolan, Nana, and Nash

Nolan loved the firetrucks and tractors
Me with Captain American and Spidey
Gotta wave at the Case combine 
Nash excited about the bag of candy he collected
As soon as the parade ended, we hurried back to the van to take advantage of the air conditioning.  Then back to Nana and Papa's for more food and fun.
Miss Claire looking very festive

Great Grandma loving on Claire
 In the afternoon we enjoyed another parade, this one involved lots of water.
Getting ready to throw some water balloons at the parade floats

Trying to get Daddy, Justin and Spencer wet
As the sun started to set, the boys tried out the sparklers.  It took them a few tries to warm up to the idea of holding a flame.
Nash and Keegan

Nini couldn't resist putting on a show with the giant sparkler

Great Grandma and Nolan playing before the fireworks started
I resisted attempting to take pictures of the fireworks this year.  It seems like I try every year and can't quite figure out the right setting.  We had a front yard full of people and the show was awesome.  The worst part about the 4th being in the middle of the week is trying to get out of town after the show is over.  It takes a while...we got home about midnight.  Thank you Nana and Papa for hosting another great party to celebrate the good ol' USA!