Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mom and Dad's Day Out

Several weeks ago Jason and I starting planning a day out...alone.  We hired a sitter and scheduled a couple's massage.  We had a bunch of gift cards we needed to use that I had stockpiled over the years.  Thank goodness those things don't expire.  I was able to talk Jason into a manicure and pedicure as well.  Let's keep that between you and me because if he finds out I posted this on here, I may never get a Mom and Dad day out again.  SHHHH!  We arrived at the spa at 10am and enjoyed amazing massages.  This was followed up by a manicure and pedicure complete with paraffin wax treatment.  This was a new one for Jason and hilarious to see him freak out when he heard the word "wax."  It made him very nervous for a second or two!  We left the spa feeling very exfoliated and then enjoyed an awesome lunch at Granite City.  Have you every tried their bruschetta salad?  YUMMO!  We stopped by the mall for a little shopping then made it back home around 5 before the babysitter bill got too out of hand.  What an awesome date day with my groom.  From the sounds of it the boys enjoyed their day with the sitter too, which makes me feel a whole lot better about leaving them for so long.  At the end of the day I realized how important it is for Jason and I to make each other a priority.  We are going to try to do something like this at least once a month, not a huge expensive day like we had on Saturday of course, but something as low key as a trip to Starbucks for coffee.  I would look forward to something as simple as that.
Jason and I back in the day...2005-ish.

Nolan's Speed Bump

Nolan has really been busy practicing his walking.  He has made it all the way across the living room a few times...Frankenstein style.  It has been so fun watching his balance and confidence improve each day.
This week though, we hit a speed bump.  Nash came down with a cold a week ago and lovingly shared it with his brother.  But Nolan got it twice as bad as Nash did.  I'm so thankful Nash got over it fairly quickly.  Poor little Noley hasn't slept well the past two nights which means poor little Mommy hasn't either.  Naptime for EVERYONE this afternoon!  His nose is running constantly, his eyes are red and puffy and his cough makes me cringe.  I feel so bad for him.  I just know if I take him to the doctor they are just going to tell me to let it run it's course.  Right now we are treating it with love, rest, juice, and tylenol.  If that doesn't do the trick, we will go see Dr. Bob.
Noley bug
So once again, I am trying to fly under the radar and make it to the other side of this unscathed.  It doesn't help that we are super busy at work and Jason has been traveling more than normal.  Spring?!  Where are you?  This house needs to be aired out!  Uh oh...is that a scratch I feel in my throat?

Nash's Dino-mite 3rd Birthday Party

On Sunday we celebrated Nash's birthday.  He turns 3 on Wednesday.  I can't believe I have a 3 year old.  I'd like to hit the "freeze" button right about now or at least the "slow down" button.  What an amazing little man he is becoming.

He is loving puzzles, painting, watching movies, being outside, playing games on my phone, reading books, playing with stickers, lining up his cars and animals, tormenting his brother, helping me bake (aka: licking the spoons), building "tents," and dancing.  The morning of the party Nash was trying to be so patient.  He kept asking me if we could light the fire on the cake and open presents.

Finally at noon the food was done and the guests started to arrive.  Nana, Papa, Great Grandma Phyliss, Uncle Will, Aunt Daniele, Aunt Nini and Uncle Eggroll all came over the celebrate with us.

Nini and Nolan
Papa and Nash working on the sticker book
Nash, Papa, and Great Grandma Phyliss

Nana supervising while Nash finger paints

Nash and I in the animal circle
After lunch we watched Nash open his presents and listened to him squeal with excitement with each one.  He got some new dinosaurs, games, books, finger paints, and puzzles.  What a lucky boy!

Dear Nash,
You are such an amazing little 3 year old.  Daddy and I are so proud of you.  We love watching you learn and grow.  We feel blessed to have you in our lives.  The "terrible twos" were not so terrible.  In fact, I'm sad to see that year go by so quickly.  Some say 3 is the new 2.  Guess we'll see.  We can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve.  We love you to the moon and back Buddy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Career Exploration

Let's see...what should we be when we grow up?


Jason and Nash

Nash and Nolan

Nash and Nolan

To be Continued...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post It Notes

My sister and I noticed today that Nash is saying his "br_" words correctly now.  He used to say "dr_" instead of "br_." For example..."boxer driefs" or "my drother Nolan."  Today he said, "the vacuum is broken" and "breakfast."  I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.  Bitter sweet.

Nolan's First Steps

Nolan took his first official steps yesterday.  Today he took 3 to 4 steps several times before finally toppling over.  I think with Nash, this is about the time that we covered the corners of the fireplace and took the coffee table downstairs.  Luckily, the fireplace corners are still covered and the coffee table is still downstairs.  I don't think we are quite to the point where we were with Nash when I called my mother in law to ask her if it was normal for a little boy to hit his head 8 times a day.   When Nolan gets to that point, I think I'll just buy a helmet...and some kneepads and elbow guards.
And I noticed today that tooth # 8 is in.  It's not the one I was expecting to be tooth #8.  It's the first molar on the bottom left side.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quotes from an almost 3 year old

We hung out with some neighbors the other day.  There were several toddlers and two 4 year old girls there.  Nash asked me later if we could go see the "big, huge girls" again.  He was referring to the 4 year old girls who apparently seem much more grown up than the toddlers.

Nash and Jason

I told the boys we could stop by the bakery in town to get some cookies and sprinkle donuts for a treat.  When we got there I broke the news to Nash that it was closed so we couldn't stop.  He said, "Oh, it's closed?  Well, open it with your key."  I said, "Honey, I don't have a key to the bakery."  He said, "Mom, you started the car with a key."

Post It Notes

Nolan stood up in the middle of the floor all by himself today.

Nolan can walk with only one hand supported now although he prefers to hang on to someone with both hands.

When Nash gets into trouble for something he immediately says, "I won't do it again."

When Nash is tired, he still says, "Mom, I want to hold you."

Hitting the Slopes

Uncle Will and Aunt Daniele gave Nash and Nolan new sleds for Christmas.  Today they invited us over to hit the slopes behind their house.  We decided to take advantage of all the snow left behind by the big snow storm this week.
Jason, Nash, Nolan and Me
Nash, Jason, and Nolan

We skipped afternoon naps (and payed for it later), bundled up, and made the quick trip over to their house.  Nolan went down the hill twice but after he got some snow in his face he decided he liked the slide and swing better.
Nolan and Jason


Nolan and Uncle Will

Nash liked the playground equipment too but before we left he was going down the hill all by himself.
Aunt Daniele and Nash


Nash and I
Will, Jason, and I took a few trips down the hill too.  Daniele decided she would rather play photographer.
Uncle Will

Jason and I

Getting down the hill is always the easy part.  Getting up the hill proved pretty difficult.  Especially since the snow half way down the hill was more than knee deep!  What a workout!
Jason and Nash struggling back up the hill
Me after wading through the snow drifts

We enjoyed some hot chocolate while we thawed out then headed home.  Both boys were ready for bed a little earlier than normal tonight.  Let's be honest, I was too!  Thanks Will and Daniele for helping us break in the new sleds and for the yummy hot chocolate.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hunker Down! It's a Blizzard!

We've been hearing about this possible blizzard all week and Tuesday afternoon it finally hit.  By Wednesday morning nearly everything was closed down and travel was not advised on ANY roads.  There were cars in the ditch everywhere according to the news.  One of my mom's coworkers went into the ditch Tuesday evening after work and she had to spend the night in the ditch!  The rescue crews weren't even going out in that stuff!  (She's at home safe and sound now.)
Looks like we won't be going out THIS door!
A view of our front yard AFTER Jason dug us out

Nana didn't dare try to make it to our house this morning.  They closed the bank so Papa was home too.  Daniele and Will couldn't get out of their driveway.  And of course, Nini and Eggroll are in Cabo soaking up the sun.  Jason closed his store and there was no way I was going to be able to drive around to see patients in the rural areas.  So what do you do during a blizzard when everyone is stuck at home?

Watch out the front door for Daddy to fly by on a sled behind neighbor Greg's 4 wheeler...
Nash and Nolan
 Rearrange the shelves...
 Join Daddy outside for some cold winter fun...(Nolan and I stayed inside)
Jason and Nash
 Play dinosaurs while eating fruit snacks...
Nash and T Rex
 Make hot chocolate...
 Invite the neighbor girls over to watch a movie...
Nash didn't get a nap...can you tell?
 Invite the neighbors over for Wii and snacks...
Look at those game faces!
The news said they measured over 16 feet of snow at the airport.  They were projecting 9 to 13 inches for us.  It's hard to tell exactly how much we got because the wind was SO bad!  Whatever the amount, we had a fun SNOW DAY!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quotes from an almost 3 year old

"I need to sit in the chair and think about my problems." - Nash.  Really?  That shouldn't take too long!
"I see it actually!" -Nash.  When he saw Coral Ridge Mall.