Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Day of School!

This was a big week for us here!  Wednesday Nolan started his first year of pre-school...same school where Nash went for two years.  While Nash was going there, Nolan always wanted to stay at school with him.  However, we started talking about the fact that it was Nolan's school now and he was going to start soon and he kept saying, "no thank you."  At least he was polite about it.  He really is good about remembering his manners.

We are so proud of you Nolan!

The morning went well though.  Jason and I were both able to take him Wednesday morning.  No tears from the brave kid.  Mine started in the parking lot when I saw another mom crying on the sidewalk after dropping off her little girl.  And there is a reason Jason wore his sun glasses.  When Nana, Nash and Nyle picked him up he hugged Nash right away and said his day was "awesome!"

Nash's first day on Friday was full of excitement.  It just blows my mind that my baby boy is off to big boy school.  I think I would have been more emotional if Nash hadn't been so extremely excited to go.  I was feeling happy for him more than anything else.  I just pray that we have done job over the last 5 years to help prepare him for this new adventure.

We are so proud of you Buddy!
There is a song on K-Love right now that makes me think of my boys.  It's called "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets.  For Nash, Nolan, and Nyle...

Be Strong in the Lord and
Never give up hope
You're gonna do great things
I already know
God's got His hand on you so
Don't live life in fear
forgive and forget
but don't forget why you're here
Take your time and pray
These are the words I would say

-Sidewalk Prophets

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mr. and Mrs.

On August 9 I had the pleasure of standing up with my friend Jessi as she said "I do" to her best friend.
Jess and Kev

I've known Jessi since 6th grade.  She has lived half way across the country since college so I don't get to see her as much as I'd like.  It was such an awesome wedding and she looked absolutely beautiful.
Jessi and Me

Jessi's sister and two other friends from home were also in the wedding and it was such a blast being all together again.
Mindy, Andrea, Jessi, Me and Adel

As an added bonus, the wedding took place on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in San Diego.  It was gorgeous! My mom and Nyle traveled with me which was such a blessing.

Me, Nyle and Nana
The only thing that wasn't such a blessing was the time change.  Two hours makes a big difference and Nyle did not get the memo.  I actually didn't want him to because we were only there for four days so it was just easier to keep him on Iowa time.  So...we were usually up around 4 or 4:30.  I was afraid the other hotel guests would not appreciate that Nyle didn't really enjoy being couped up in a hotel room before the sun came up.  We took early morning strolls through downtown San Diego so I now know where all of the coffee shops are located.  This is a picture of Nyle taking a ride on the luggage cart in the lobby while we waited for the sun to come up.

Early bird gets the worm

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Project Crossroads

Our poor garden has been SO neglected.  Despite the weeds being taller than the corn, we have been what we would consider successful first year farmers.  We had a descent corn crop although as far as taste goes, it's average in my opinion.

We are seeing a few pumpkins and squash.  We have picked plenty of cucumbers and there are tons more that need a little more time to reach their full potential.  I have pictures on my phone and will post when I get a chance. Unfortunately we did not see any signs of brussel sprouts (or maybe thats fortunate if you ask me).  No signs of watermelon.  The sugar snap peas were all dried up before we got to them.  I think a few of our sweet potato plants made it but I need to research when we can start digging for those guys.  So as I'm writing it's looking like we had a rough go of it but we are still going to consider this year successful thanks to the cucumbers.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nyle's One Year Check Up

Height 31.5 (95th percentile)
Weight 26 pounds 8 oz (97th percentile)
Head circumference 48cm (92nd percentile)

Doing great big guy!  You're really trying hard to keep up with your big brothers!

Looking back...
Nash at 12 months: 21 pounds (25th percentile for height and wt)

Nolan at 12 months: 25.3 pounds  (75th percentile for height and wt)

What a handsome bunch of guys!!  Love 'em to pieces!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Nyle Steven - ONE YEAR OLD!

I blinked and it happened...he turned one!  sigh.  This year seriously went by so fast.  It was a crazy year with some big challenges but most importantly, lots of highlights.  We celebrated Nyle's birthday with a cookie monster party.

Grama Jo and Nyle

You look good in blue Nyle!

Claire, Nolan, Nash, Nyle 
New wheels!
Nyle has decided he really only needs one good nap a day in order to keep up with his brothers.  He loves cheese, bread and yogurt.  Watermelon will be spit out immediately.  He likes to climb up on the fireplace but getting back down is less than graceful.  He is crawling at the speed of light and cruising around all furniture, including your legs if you stand still long enough.  He is drinking three 8 oz bottles of whole milk a day.  We have tried the sippy cups but it's really just messy and he gets frustrated sometimes. And usually sends it flying through the air.  He has a good arm.  8 teeth and he's generally a really happy guy so I don't think he's working on any new ones right now.  He loves to dance and tries to imitate the screeches and chatter of his brothers.  He is very playful and has an infectious giggle.  Ticklish everywhere.  We love you so much Nyle Steven!