Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Christmas day was SO much fun!  It is so easy to get caught up in the excitement when the boys open their gifts.  
Remote control monster trucks!!!
 Jason and I get each other an ornament each year.  I gave him a picture of the three boys.

Will, Daniele and Claire joined us again in the afternoon.
Claire Elizabeth
The boys love their new wall racetrack

Me, Nyle, Nash, Foot soldier, and Nolan

Papa and Nolan

Great Grandma Phyliss, Daniele and Claire
A snapshot of Christmas Day.  It was awesome just hanging out and being together.  We are blessed.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Nana, Papa, Great Grandma Phyliss,  Uncle Will, Aunt Daniele, Cousin Claire, Aunt Nini and Unkie Eggroll all came over on Christmas Eve.  We ate soup and played reindeer games.  
Two of our three little reindeer.  Nash and Nyle

Nash and Nolan
Rudolph Jason

Miss Claire

Nash reading to Claire while Uncle Will supervises

Santa dropped off a special gift on the front porch because the reindeer were making really good time.

We read "The Polar Express."  A Christmas Eve tradition.
Great Grandma, Nolan, Nana and Nash

Nini and Eggroll

Jason, Eggroll, Will and Rick had a blind whiskey taste test
An elf dropped of an "Urgent Delivery" for the boys.  It was a book about pajama elves and 3 adorable pair of polar bear pj's.
Nolan, Nash, Great Grandma Phyl, and Nolan
Nash made the star for our tree this year.  Great work buddy!
Our beautiful Christmas tree with the lights out at the top  :(

Papa, Nana, Great Grandma, Nini and Eggroll all spent the night.  The big kids stayed up a little later playing the Wii.  Then we all went to bed to wait for Santa to come.  It was a fun night!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

There's Snow Place Like Home

This is a picture of the house where I grew up.  My parents' house is so pretty in the winter time.  Before Christmas we went back to my hometown for a visit with Santa and some other holiday fun.  The event was called "There's Snow Place Like Home."  Appropriate I think.
Nini helping the boys make Reindeer food

Nana helping the boys fill jars with cookie ingredients

Nash writing his letter to Santa

Nolan with his letter to Santa

Santa and Nash
 Nolan has to be in just the right mood to put up with these shenanigans.  This wasn't the moment.  So the whole family joined in.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Splish Splash

Today Nyle took his first bath in the big bath tub.  I kept up the sink baths as long as I could, but the truth is...he outgrew the sink a while ago.  I think he likes having the extra space!

Nyle Steven - 4.5 months

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Odds and Ends

Pictures I don't want you to miss...
Nyle helping with our scarf business
This is what it looks like in the midst of scarf production 
Adorable artwork made at Sunday School

Nolan's Sunday School Artwork.  I love it!

Papa has the touch
Nyle and Papa

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Big Boys Night Out

On December 14th we took the "Big Boys" on a special night out.  We didn't tell them where we were going.  Nyle got to spend the evening with his cousin Claire.  Thank you Uncle Will and Aunt Daniele!  We picked Nana up and met our friends the Kies family for Disney On Ice again this year.  We got lucky with tickets in the 5th row!  

Jason and Nolan

Jason, Nash, Nolan and me

Nana, Jason, Nash, Nolan and me

Friday, December 7, 2012

Big Week for Nyle!

This has been a big month for the Little Mister already!  He rolled back to front 3 times this week so far.  (Make that four times.  He's working hard on his tricks while I'm blogging).  When he gets to his tummy, he holds his head up really well and looks all around.  Last night he had rice cereal for the first time.  I think he liked the taste because he kept opening his mouth each time the spoon came near.  I think maybe it was the new texture that caused the silly faces!

He is spending more happy time in his jumpy gym and is becoming more content on the floor now that he is a little more mobile.  He definitely doesn't sleep as much during the day as his brothers did.  He naps about 20 to 30 minutes at a time and then is back up again.  That doesn't leave Momma much time to get anything done.  I guess I'll have to learn to work a little faster.  I noticed this week too that he likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  If it happens to be on, he will stare at it and get a big, goofy grin on his face.  (Scratch that, it's now five times rolling back to front.  He hasn't quite figured out how to get back over though).  He loves to hold hands.  Sometimes holding his hands is the only thing that will calm him down or put him to sleep.  It's pretty sweet.

We went in for Nyle's 4 month well baby visit on December 4th.  Two more vaccinations.  :(
He weighed 18 pounds 14 oz (96th percentile).  He is 25 3/4' long (73rd percentile).  And his head circumference is 43.6 cm (94th percentile).  He's trying to catch up to his brothers I think.   Today I put away an entire large bin of clothes that he has already outgrown.  He's keeping me on my toes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Superhero Birthday Nolan!

Nolan turned 3 on December 5th!  We had his party a few days early so Grama Jo could join the fun too.  On Sunday, we celebrated superhero style!  Warning:  Lots of pictures ahead!
Nash (Hulk), Nyle (Captain America), Nolan (Iron Man)

Nyle as Captain America

Nash as Hulk

Nolan as Iron Man

Nash, Papa and Uncle Will
Great Grandma and Claire

Nolan, Nana, Grama Jo, and Nash

Claire starting to get used to Papa's beard

Iron Man is 3!!!

Nash, Nyle, Nolan and Claire

Wild animals inside Nolan's new fence

Nash giving the birthday boy a ride in his new dump truck

Nolan and Grama Jo

Noley with his Avenger cake

Family picture with an unhappy superhero

Nash, Eggroll, Nana, Me, Great Grandma and Aunt Nini

What a fun day!  Nolan is so proud to be three.  

Dear Nolan,
You are becoming so independent and you make us laugh every day.  Your vocabulary is growing rapidly.  You are a bit of a dare devil but you don't like getting your hands dirty.  You love books and puzzles and playing games on my iPhone.  You like trucks, trains, and construction equipment and playing with your animals.  You can throw a pretty good temper tantrum.  I love your giggles and the excitement you show when experiencing something new.  You are such an amazing little guy and we love you to pieces.  Happy Birthday Noley Bear!