Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas to All!

Another fun Christmas season full of fun with friends and family.  This year we got to see TWO of Santa's helpers.  The first one was at a neighborhood party...



 Santa passed out little goody bags during his visit.  Nolan was SO disappointed when he opened the goody bag and he didn't get what he had just asked Santa for.  I didn't realize he was expecting it to work so quickly.  Broke my heart.

We visited my hometown again for "There's Snow Place Like Home."  The boys made reindeer food, cookie jars, ornaments, and got to see Santa again.
Nolan with his ornament

Nash being goofy with his reindeer food

making cookie jars with Papa



 Family Christmas...
Nolan, Daniele, Claire, and Nyle

Nana and the grandkids checking out the Santa Bag
Claire, Daniele and Will

Jason helping Nash with his rainbow loom 
Uncle Will reading to Nash and Nolan

Christmas PJs: Nyle, Nash, Nolan and Claire


Grama Jo and Nash

Papa helping Nash put together Lego Chima set

Claire and Nyle racing their new Mickey and Minnie cars

Nash, Jason, Nyle, Grandma Phyl, Nolan and Me
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Noley Bear turns Four!

Nolan chose a Monster Jam birthday party to celebrate four years of barreling through life.  What an adventure!

A new Monster Truck wallet

Nolan and Daddy

Great Grandma Phyliss and Nolan

Nash and Nolan

Happy Birthday Dear Nolan, Happy Birthday to YOU!

It's been fun watching you grow and learn along the way.  You are the sweetest, most sensitive little man much of the time and quite a stubborn, little stinker every once in a while.  But no matter what, we love you to pieces all of the time.  You have such an excitement for life.  You like monster trucks, baby rhinos, dinosaur egg oatmeal, puzzles, ninja turtles, mini muffins, and wrestling with your big brother.  When we say prayers before a meal, you always insist on praying for your toothbrush.  You are a night owl.  Many nights you are up after your brothers are asleep, hanging out with Mom and Dad and sneaking in some alone time.  I do cherish that time with you.  In fact, as I am typing this, you are perched on the armrest next to me talking about blowing kisses and seriously melting my heart.  You have such good manners for a four year old.  Daddy and I are so proud of you Bear.  We are so thankful God gave us you!