Sunday, February 24, 2013

Zoinks! Nash is 5!

We had kindergarten roundup on February 22 and my sweet Nash turned 5 on February 23.  It is surreal that he will be in big boy school this fall.  He loved kindergarten roundup though and was a bit disappointed he had to go back to preschool.  His biggest concern about roundup was that he doesn't know how to tie his shoes yet.  But we are working on it!
Nash chose a Scooby Doo themed party this year although all of his gifts revolved around Ninja Turtles.  Thank goodness he chose Scoobs though because these decorations were hard enough to find and I didn't see anything out there for turtles.  Phew!  I decorated the kitchen the night before his birthday after the kids went to bed.  His reaction the next morning was priceless...hand over his mouth and big, excited eyes.

Claire (1 year) and Nyle (6.5 months)
Nolan, Great Grandma Phyliss, Nyle, and Nash
Claire and Will

Nini, Nyle, Eggroll, and Sasha
It was a great time and I'm thankful that Nash still enjoys family parties.  I know those chaotic sleepovers are just around the corner!  The day after Nash's party I told him I had a great time and thanked him for inviting me.  He said, "You're welcome.  But actually Mom, I never invited you.  You just showed up!"  :0)

Nash Charles,
The last five years have gone by so quickly and I am so proud of the boy you have become.  You love projects, watching movies, playing outside, being with friends, reading books, and playing games on the computer or iphone.  You love superheroes, ninja turtles, and ninjagos.  You love fruit and will almost always pass on the veggies..except maybe broccoli.  You are very skilled at negotiating how many more bites of your dinner you have to take.  Your memory and your vocabulary amaze me each day.  You are one smart little guy!  I love your laugh and I love to hear the stories behind your artwork.  It melts my heart when you randomly tell me that you love me.  I want you to know what a special son you are and that I love you completely and unconditionally with all of my heart...always.   
I am thankful every day that God gave us you.

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