Sunday, March 24, 2013

iPhone Dump

This is long overdue!  I have so many pictures on my phone and today I finally got them to my computer.  Thank goodness the iPhone is there to save the day when the camera isn't at my fingertips.
January 2013
Nolan at a superhero birthday party


February 2013
Evan, Nash and Nolan during their indoor soccer game.  What ball?

Nolan getting ready for soccer

Nash and Nolan ready for soccer

Nolan in the old car at the museum

March 2013
Me and Julie at the Brandisa concert for my Mom's birthday

Cute Cousin Claire!

Nyle 7.5 months

Nash, Nyle and Nolan

Nolan clearing off the deck

Nash helping clear the deck.  Hopefully this is the last snow of the season on March 24th!?

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