Monday, August 3, 2009

The cold bug strikes AGAIN!

So here we are again sick with colds. Nash started to get a runny nose last Monday morning and we have been going through boxes of tissue ever since. He had a little bit of a fever that we were able to manage with tylenol. He has a cough but overall is doing very well. Jason came down with a sore throat shortly after that but he has been hanging in there too. As for me, since I'm eating for two, I'm apparently sick for two as well. I don't remember having a cold this bad in a long time. I can't take much for it because of the pregnancy so it seems to just be gradually running it's course. As always, it started in my throat, went to my chest and has now settled into my head. We are going through lots of kleenex and tylenol lately! The good news is...since I last posted my restless leg problem has been much better. Now I just can't breathe! :0)
I finally ordered my camera yesterday after lots of computer researching. I had to have Jason next to me for moral support as I clicked the "checkout" button. I have a hard time spending money and making decisions, which is Jason's forte. :0) I settled on the Canon SX10 IS so I'm really hoping I like it. I'm excited for it to get here!
Just a quick update on Nash...he is able to count to three (with a little coaxing). Everything used to be "lellow" and now everything it "bue." He loves to dip his food in ketchup. He wants to be outside ALL the time. The other day he found the sprinkler when he was outside with Jason. He came in soaking wet saying "rain!" He squats down by the doggy water dish and pretends he is lapping up water like Daizy and Memphis do.

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