Saturday, September 18, 2010

And the gates go back up!

On Monday this week Nolan figured out how to go from his back into a sitting position.  When we put him in the crawl position he was getting SO close to getting the hang of it.  On Tuesday he had his 9 month check up.  He weighed in at 24.3 pounds putting him at the 90th percentile.  He measured 29 inches long putting him at the 75th percentile.  On a side note, Nash weighed in at 29.2 pounds.  Yep, only 5 pounds difference.

I keep reminding Nash to be nice to Nolan because it won't be long until Nolan will figure out how to whoop up on him.  It was also on Tuesday that Nolan actually crawled across the carpet.  It is now Saturday and the boy is on the go.  We took the baby gates down about a month or so ago but it looks like we need to put them back up again.
Nana started teaching Nolan to hold one finger up to say that he is "one." She was hoping that by the time December 5th rolled around, he would have it down pat.  Well, he caught on a lot faster than expected.
I think he's getting ready to show some more teeth soon too.  All of the sudden my easy going guy HATES to have his diaper changed.  He arches his back and whines and tries to escape.  I'm blaming it on teething because that's what we blame everything on.  :0)

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