Saturday, July 16, 2011

4th of July Weekend

Our 4th of July weekend did not start off with a bang this year.  In the middle of the week Nash came down with an upper respiratory virus.  He had a fever for about 4 days straight.  He came crying to me at one point saying, "Mom, my eyes are melting."  Poor little man had watery eyes, a runny but stuffy nose, body aches, a cough, and his whole body was just hot to the touch.  I took him in to convenient care but we were instructed to "let it run it's course."  GRRRRR!  I just wanted to give him something to make it all go away.  Jason and Nash stayed home on the July 3rd to get more rest.  Nolan and I went up to my parents to kick off the weekend.  It was nice spending some one on one time with Nolan but I hated the circumstances.  Nash was feeling a little better on Monday, the 4th, but was by no means 100%.  We could not let him miss the parade and festivities so Jason brought him up to join us at my parents.  He had some fun but ran out of energy pretty quickly (see last picture below).  I'm posting this a few weeks late so I'm happy to say that he is back to 100% now.  
Nash and me

Nolan and Papa


Me and Nolan on the swing (self portrait)

AJ and T joined us this year!

Al, Lynn, and Nana watching the parade

Nolan and I watching the parade

Ev and Nini watching the parade

Nash and Uncle Will playing catch with a water balloon

Noland and Great Grandma Phyliss waiting for the fireworks to start
Jason and a worn out Nash

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