Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Post From the Coast

I'm not sure how to narrow this one down to a manageable size.  I'm going to have to break it up into a few different posts I think.  During our second week in California, we stayed on the coast in Avila Beach.  This is about 15 minutes from where Jason went to college at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo.  Unfortunately, the weather was pretty cool with high temps in the 50s most days.  Everyone kept telling us how warm it was the week before we got there.  Oh well, we had fun anyway.  However, we probably would have spent a lot more time at the beach had the temps cooperated.
The boys checking out the view 
West Coast Wentlands

Our hotel from the beach

Amazing sunset
 My amazing friend Jessi came up from San Diego on the train to stay with us for the weekend.  So fun!  Thanks for making the trip Jess!
Jessi and Me
We went to the pier in Pismo Beach.  Jason and I had our picture take in the exact same spot we posed for a picture several years ago during my first trip to California with him.  I need to dig that one up from the archives.
Jason and me
 Nash wanted to swim in the ocean SO bad.  This is as good as it gets with the temps we were dealing with. That water was seriously ice cold.  The boys didn't really seem to mind though.
Boys at Pismo Beach
Nash writing in the sand  "IOWA"
Nash putting the final touches on Nana's work of art "IOWA Nash Nolan Jessi Megan Jason Nana 2011"

OK, this next photo stings a little.  Jessi warned me that the next wave looked like a big one.  I still had shoes on so I wasn't prepared.  Nolan started to lose his balance and I attempted to keep my feet dry and help him stay upright.  Obviously neither of those things happened.
Mother of the Year.  Did I mention how cold that water was?  UGH!  But notice how no one else was rushing to help and someone managed to capture a photo!  :0)

Jessi with the boys

Splash Cafe: Home of the famous clam chowder
One day we went to the Port San Luis Pier to check out the sea lions. 
 That same day we went back to Pismo to see the monarch butterflies.  Nana read that there were about 24,000 that had migrated to this grove.

Butterflies clustered together to stay warm
We walked through the grove to see the ocean and the sand dunes.  Such a beautiful spot for pictures.

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Nash and Noaln

Mom and me

Jess and me
Jason testing out his ninja skills
 Like father like son.
Ninja Nash

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