Friday, November 2, 2012

Nyle Steven - 3 months!

On Thursday Nyle turned 3 months old!  Pretty hard to believe but I wouldn't change a thing.  He is so smiley and starting to coo a little more now.  Size 6 month clothes are a little roomy but most comfy.  This past week or two he has only been waking up once at night which is so wonderful!  He usually sleeps beside me in our bed.  I've put him in the pack n play a few times and he does alright but just seems to be more content next to me.  I'm not in a rush to make it stop.  I love the snuggles and I know it won't last forever.
sink bath

goofy big brother

goofy big big brother

Nash, Nyle and Nolan

Me and Nyle

Me and my boys 

Such a handsome little man.  We love you to pieces Nyle Steven!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie he is. Again, love your family pictures. Happy Fall!!!
