Saturday, June 26, 2010

Post-it Notes

I'm in the process of having my blog published into a book so we have it for a keepsake.  I try to keep my blog updated well enough to highlight most major happenings in our lives.  There's just not enough room in the baby books to get it all in!  I was looking back at some pictures of Nash today and amazed at how much he has changed.  Nolan too for that matter...he is 6.5 months old and does not even look like the same child I gave birth to back in December!  I was reminded today to soak up every little moment because time goes by so quickly!  I'm so thankful that I have all of my pictures and I'm hoping this blog will help remind me of all the little things I might otherwise forget.  So, this post is just random thoughts that I don't want to miss...sorry if I'm repeating some things from past posts.
*Nolan likes to spend his time sitting up and he is getting really good at it.  Until Nash comes by and pushes him over.
*Nash has been getting lots of time outs lately.   Usually for pushing Nolan over or taking toys from Nolan or just not listening to Mommy and Daddy.  Two minutes can seem like a long time!
*Nolan drank a cold bottle for the first time today, which surprised me because he will absolutely NOT eat cold baby food.
*Nash can be SO loving one moment, then SO naughty the next moment.
*Nolan's hair was really dark at birth and now is really blonde.
*Nash talks in a high pitched voice sometimes, especially when he thinks something is cute.  He says "Nolan, you're a cute baby." or "That puppy so cute."  The other day he went poopy in the potty chair (several small poopies) and he said to Nana, "Look Nana, those poopies are so cute."
*Nash accidentally dropped his truck on Nana's little toe the other day.  Day 1 there was a small circular bruise.  Day 2 her entire toe was dark purple and swollen like a grape.  We are pretty positive it's broken.  I'd post a picture but Nana does not like her feet.
*We go to story time on Fridays at the library.  Nash gets so excited to see his friends (Jazzie and Kate. This week was extra cool because Caden, Jae and Joanah were there too!)  It's like social hour for him.
*Nolan has started sticking his feet out of his crib between the rungs.  I find him sleeping that way sometimes.  It doesn't look comfortable at all but he doesn't seem to mind it.  I think he does it on purpose.
*We usually have to lay on the floor next to Nash's toddler bed to get him to sleep at night.  He was waking up and coming into our room in the middle of the night for a while.  Lately he has been sleeping better but will occasionally come in early in the morning.  He drags his little yellow blanket and his bed blanket behind him and stands beside my bed. "Hi Mommy."
*Nash is wearing 18 month shorts and 2T shirts.  Nolan is wearing 12 to 18 month clothes.
*Nolan does not seem to like banana baby food very well.
*Nash loves the zoo and we can't leave without riding the train.  Jason and I took the boys to Wild Fest at Niabi today.  Nash did not want to leave.  I will post pictures later.
*I am amazed at Nash's memory.  We went through Eldridge the other day and passed by Valley Bank.  Nash said, "There's Nini's office."  Then he started listing off some ladies that she works with.  Today we drove past Jason's store and Nash said, "Daddy, there your office."  We drove down to the levee the other day to walk along the river.  As soon as we made the turn Nash said, "I want to see sheep and donkey."  It was the same location where the petting zoo had been during American Pickers Weekend.  He is way more observant than his mother for sure!